Hi friends! I’m looking forward to another fun year of craft shows! Participating in shows is a blast because I love meeting you! It’s great to have definite goals to work towards throughout the year, get feedback on my work, and experience others liking the pretty things I made as much as I do. Showing my arts and crafts projects to others, especially in a juried show like most of these are, feels surprisingly like performing, which I’ve always found to be fun and exhilarating. A “juried” show just means that somebody had to pre-approve the items of all of the artisans/sellers participating in the show in order to maintain a level of quality.
So, as I said, I’m planning on showing and selling my work at several central Ohio craft shows all this year, and I’d love to see you there. Since my items are mostly seasonal, I will be focusing on applying for shows that occur primarily in the fall/winter months. I often give a discount for in-person sales! Listed below are the times and places you can find me and my wares in the coming months. Email me ([email protected]) if you have questions or check out the event websites referenced.
Greater Cincinnati YMCA Leaders Club 4th Annual Spring Fling
- Saturday, March 5th, 9AM-3PM
- ME Lyons YMCA, 8108 Clough Pike, Cincinnati, OH
- https://www.facebook.com/events/1711903782366758/
Made LOCAL Marketplace Fall Show
- Saturday October 1st 2016 from 9am-4pm
- Bridgewater Banquet Center, 10561 Sawmill Parkway, Powell, Ohio 40365
- http://www.madelocalmarketplaceshows.com/
GCHS Band Fall Craft and Gift Bazaar
- Two days:
- November 12, 2016 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
- November 13, 2016, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
- Grove City High School, 4665 Hoover Road, Grove City, OH 43123
- http://www.gchsbands.org/bazaar/fall-bazaar
Made LOCAL Marketplace Holiday Show #2
- Saturday December 10th 2016 from 9am-4pm
- Bridgewater Banquet Center, 10561 Sawmill Parkway, Powell, Ohio 40365
- http://www.madelocalmarketplaceshows.com/
I will update this page if/when I get more shows on the calendar for 2016. Thanks for reading, and I hope you come check some of these cool shows out!